View Content #27498

Content Type5
TitleThank you, Lindsay Marean!

This week we would like to say thank you to Lindsay Marean, InterCom Editor, who will no longer be working at CASLS after 13 years.  We will miss her greatly! When Lindsay started in 2006 she was the third InterCom Editor, following Janne Underriner and Sarah Butner as the previous two editors. In her time at CASLS, Lindsay has made InterCom what it is today.  A few of her accomplishments:

  • In all of her time at CASLS, Lindsay never missed a Monday issue of InterCom, for a total of 676 weekly digests. This, in and of iteself, is a noteworthy track record!
  • Lindsay grew the subscriber database from 623 subscribers at the time she started to the 3313 subscribers we have today. 
  • Lindsay has edited over 26,955 articles, all of which are still available in our searchable archive.
  • Starting in 2014, Lindsay wrote and curated orginal content each week, connecting and collaborating with experts from around the world. 

Most of all, Lindsay worked tirelessly to support langauge teachers, bring meaningful conent to the classroom, and make educators' lives a little better each Monday morning. She tells great jokes, especially puns, can help you find a resource on just about anything, and advocates fervently for the vitality of indigenous languages. We have all learned a lot from her. Thank you, Lindsay, for your expertise and dedication throughout your 13 years at CASLS! 





Inputdate2019-09-01 08:10:11
Lastmodifieddate2019-09-02 04:27:50
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2019-09-02 02:15:01
Displaydate2019-09-02 00:00:00