View Content #27456

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TitleCall for Research: L2 Flipped Classroom Experimental Reports


Joseph P. Vitta and Ali H. Al-Hoorie have the following request:

"We are in the final stages of doing a meta-analysis on the effectiveness of flipped teaching on (second/foreign) language learning. Flipped teaching, in a general sense, involves students’ learning of the material outside of class time (usually with the use of technology, such as videos), so that class time is then utilized by the teacher for exercises and discussions involving the material learned beforehand. 

"Past meta-analyses have tended to focus on published literature. However, this raises the risk of publication bias, since studies with significant results usually have a better chance of being published. We are trying to minimize this risk in our meta-analysis by asking researchers to send us their unpublished findings. 

"We are specifically looking for flipped teaching studies adopting a (quasi-)experimental design (contrasting the effectiveness of a traditional face-to-face approach with a flipped intervention) using a quantitative dependent variable that measures gains in the target language (such as vocabulary and writing proficiency). We welcome studies on all target languages, in all contexts, and regardless of whether the results are significant or not. 

"Therefore, if you have an unpublished study (including as part of an MA or PhD degree), please consider sending us a copy to include it in our analysis."

The entire call for research studies is available at

Inputdate2019-08-28 10:06:56
Lastmodifieddate2019-09-02 04:27:50
Expdate2019-12-31 00:00:00
Publishdate2019-09-02 02:15:01
Displaydate2019-09-02 00:00:00