View Content #2710

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TitleIdeas for Teaching the Imperative
Editor's note: A recent query on the FLTEACH listserv for suggestions on
teaching the imperative in Spanish generated the following responses. They
were submitted by teachers of Spanish but could be used for any language.


At times, I've used recipes written in Spanish. Cook, bake, beat, add, etc. I
know of a teacher that brought in a recipe for a smoothie, the kids followed it
and drank the results!! Also, you could tell them how to draw something.

Coughlin, M. Re: Spanish imperative form lesson ideas. Foreign Language
Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (23 Feb.


Playing "Simon Says" with parts of the body is always a good way to teach
imperatives. Also, could you try giving them commands in Spanish in order to
give them instructions? I know that not all of them may be able to understand,
but it's worth a try. You can use hand gestures to get your point across.

Sullivan, M. Re: Spanish imperative form lesson ideas. Foreign Language
Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (23 Feb.


Here's an idea I should credit to an East High colleague, Teresa Molina,
before I pass it on to you: After practicing the command forms for a day or so,
tell the students they have a chance to give you commands the next day, and
to be sure to write down 4 or 5, in case someone else gives the same
command they were hoping to use. Tell them that indecent things, impossible
things, academically dishonest things, or anything injurious to your health is
unacceptable. They come up with fun stuff--put that pot of flowers on your
head, throw your shoe out the window, stand on one foot for 60 seconds, etc. I
had one tell me to do a cartwheel once--be sure and wear pants that day and
not a skirt!!

Wadman, D. Re: Spanish imperative form lesson ideas. Foreign Language
Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (24 Feb.
Inputdate2005-02-27 19:31:00
Lastmodifieddate2005-02-27 19:31:00
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Publishdate2005-02-28 00:00:00
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