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TitleKato Earns NFMLTA Dissertation Support Grant

CASLS Graduate Research Assistant Misaki Kato has earned another award for her research (she has already been awarded the University of Oregon’s Lokey Doctoral Science Fellowship for the 2019-20 academic year ( The National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations has awarded Misaki a Dissertation Support Grant for her dissertation, “Production and Perception of Non-native Speech Enhancement,” anticipated for completion in spring 2020.

Misaki’s research in the University of Oregon Speech Perception and Production Lab investigates not only non-native speakers, but also their listeners. “If a first-language Mandarin speaker is listening to another first-language Mandarin speaker in English, the listener may share more similar sound representations because of the shared first language, or be a more sympathetic listener because of their shared background. We’ll find out more as I continue my research.”

You can read about some of the instructional implications of Misaki’s work in a Topic of the Week article ( from last January, co-authored with Misaki’s dissertation advisor, Melissa Baese-Berk. Misaki says, “Much of my work and research is inspired by what students struggle with in language classrooms. Pronunciation is a really important skill in language education.”

SourceCASLS Spotlight
Inputdate2019-04-10 12:05:32
Lastmodifieddate2019-04-15 04:29:23
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2019-04-15 02:15:01
Displaydate2019-04-15 00:00:00