View Content #26794

Content Type5
TitleSykes, Holden, and Knight Publish Chapter

CASLS director Julie Sykes, Christopher Holden, and CASLS assistant director Stephanie Knight have contributed a chapter to Engaging Language Learners through CALL: From Theory and Research to Informed Practice, the newest volume in the Advances in CALL Research and Practice series, edited by Nike Arnold and Lara Ducate. Here is a description of the chapter:

Community and second language (L2) learning in the 21st Century are inextricably intertwined. Given the ubiquity of digital technologies, learners are exposed to communities worldwide. This chapter examines three digital contexts, massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs), social networking sites (SNSs), and place-based digital games and their capacity to promote community building and involvement for L2 learners. It begins with an overview of relevant research for each space, discusses research approaches, and then evaluates the pedagogical implications of exploring these communities in the classroom while providing practical ideas for educators.

Sykes says, “Collaborating with amazing colleagues is one of the best parts of our job. A huge thank you to Nike and Lara for making this volume happen.” The volume is available at

SourceCASLS Spotlight
Inputdate2019-04-08 13:06:03
Lastmodifieddate2019-06-10 04:23:23
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2019-06-10 02:15:01
Displaydate2019-06-10 00:00:00