View Content #26508

Content Type4
TitleHigher-Order Thinking with Covet Fashion
The purpose of this activity is to engage novice learners in critical, higher-order thinking while simultaneously facilitating target language output. In order to complete this activity, students will first dissect key terminology utilizing context (imagery and language). Then, students will observe various fashion competitions to draw conclusions regarding appearances and beauty.
Objectives: Learners will be able to:
• Identify target language vocabulary related to clothing and fashion
• Use context to negotiate the meaning of unknown words
• Demonstrate understanding of how others perceive appearances
Modes: Interpretive, Interpersonal, Presentational 
Resources: Phases 1 and 2 Handout, Covet Fashion downloaded on an Android or iOS device (this game is available in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese)

1. Learners will complete the onboarding process for Covet Fashion. 

2. Learners will begin Phase 1 of the Phases 1 and 2 Handout by using context (photos and written descriptions) to identify and make predictions about the meaning of domain-specific vocabulary. As they do this step, they will submit their first Limited Time Challenge.

3. Learners will complete the rest of Phase 1 by using their predictions to work with a partner and create a semantic map of the domain-specific vocabulary they defined. It is possible that teachers will need to intervene at this step to help learners verify predictions and/or to point out linguistic patterns to help learners dissect the terminology.

4. Learners will work in pairs to complete Phase 2 of the Phases 1 and 2 Handout. In this phase, they will vote on fashion challenges. As they vote, they will make predictions about whether the outfits they select will receive a high or low score. They will note if they are correct and any observations/ideas they have about how others are scored.

5. Lead a class discussion in which learners reflect on general trends they note from their experience voting on looks. If you have not already done so, it may be necessary to provide learners with instruction regarding comparisons and superlatives in the target language before completing this step.  Use the questions below to guide the discussion:

a.     What types of clothing are most liked?

b.     Do the body types of the models impact how their clothing is rated? How?

c.     Are there skin colors and hairstyles that seem more highly correlated with high scores than others?

d.     Is there anything else you noticed?

6.    Select a specific Limited Time Challenge or Jet Set Challenge (scores will post for Limited Time Challenges in a couple of days, and scores will post from Jet Set Challenges in 8 hours). Have learners return to Covet Fashion and work in pairs to try to earn the highest score possible. 

7.    The next time you have class, review the results to see who won in the class. If possible, have learners share images of their outfits and the results. 

8.    Revisit the discussion questions from Step 5 in gallery walk format by getting four pieces of butcher paper and writing one question on each piece. Place the four pieces of paper around the room. Divide the students into four groups at random and assign each start group to a specific sheet of paper. Give each group a minute to respond to the question on their paper before rotating to the next sheet.

9.    Work as a class to use the learners’ experiences and observations to create a list of 5 tips for players wanting to earn the highest score possible in Covet Fashion. 

10. Use images from fashion and beauty magazines in the target language to decide whether or not your 5 tips still would apply in the target culture.

SourceCASLS Activity of the Week
Inputdate2019-02-21 11:55:42
Lastmodifieddate2019-03-11 04:34:53
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2019-03-11 02:15:01
Displaydate2019-03-11 00:00:00