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Content Type5
TitleCASLS Says Goodbye to Longstanding Staff Member

CASLS Business and Financial Development Coordinator Linda Ellis will be leaving CASLS January 1, 2019, as a result of business restructuring within CASLS and the university. Linda, who is also co-owner and co-founder of the local Eugene favorite J. Michael’s Books, joined CASLS in 2008.

When Linda began working at CASLS, the center’s financial structure required serious attention. Our shadow systems did not match the university’s financial records, which made making effective decisions nearly impossible.

As a result of Linda’s work, CASLS developed infrastructure to track and forecast both grant and non-grant accounts. CASLS now has a reputation for being creative problem solvers, sound decisionmakers, and ethical financial stewards. Departments across campus look to the infrastructure Linda developed and put into place to guide their own administration.

“CASLS wouldn’t be the place that it is without Linda,” shares CASLS Associate Director Mandy Getter. “I have spent many hours in Linda’s office asking for a second opinion. I am not alone in this; many on our staff seek out her insight.”

Thank you, Linda, for sharing your talents with us and contributing to the environment that makes CASLS a great place to work.

SourceCASLS Spotlight
Inputdate2018-12-21 16:05:51
Lastmodifieddate2018-12-24 04:27:35
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2018-12-24 02:15:01
Displaydate2018-12-24 00:00:00