View Content #26027
Contentid | 26027 |
Content Type | 4 |
Title | Using the TELL Framework to Build on Strengths |
Body | Today’s Activity of the Week is designed to familiarize you with the TELL framework while building on your areas of strength and enthusiasm. Start by going to and exploring each of the seven TELL Framework areas below. For each, click on the self-assessment document. Read through the main indicators (the ones in bold print), and choose the ONE that you feel is a strength of yours or that you are especially enthusiastic about. Write the indicator in the third column on the attached reflection worksheet. Now re-examine your seven chosen indicators. Choose the ONE that is most engaging for you at this time. Re-open the relevant self-reflection document, and read the criteria that are associated with it. Choose one criterion that you feel you are especially strong at (“I do this with confidence”), and write it on the reflection worksheet. Finally, reflect on how your chosen strength relates to some of the other TELL Framework areas. For example, if I select “My students and I interact with the local and global target language communities to advance intercultural competencies” (under Learning Tools), I will reflection on how this strength also enhances my collaboration and professionalism. |
Source | CASLS Activity of the Week |
Inputdate | 2018-11-11 13:55:43 |
Lastmodifieddate | 2018-11-12 04:21:00 |
Expdate | Not set |
Publishdate | 2018-11-12 02:15:01 |
Displaydate | 2018-11-12 00:00:00 |
Active | 1 |
Emailed | 1 |
Isarchived | 0 |