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TitleAvatars in Language Classrooms
In this blog post, you can get lots of ideas for using avatars in a language classroom, as well as connect to a few sites where you and your students can create avatars. Here are a few of the ideas:
"We can use avatars in lots of subjects and to introduce a great deal of topics. Since we are at the beginning of our school year, let’s start by discussing how we can use them to get to know our students:
• Students can make their own avatar with background and accessories which represent their interests. The students can explain what the visual images represent, e.g. A guitar because they love to listen to music.
• You can print their avatars and pin them on the classroom welcome poster to make your students feel special and welcomed.
• You can also use them on a job chart to show who is responsible for what each week.
• At the following class a nice ice breaker activity can be shuffling and distributing the pictures of avatars. Students need to find the person their avatar corresponds with.
"You can also use avatars to revise:
• Parts of the face: The teacher dictates the face traits the avatar should have, and the students create the avatar. (i.e. He has big blue eyes. He has long curly hair.)
• Clothes: The teacher dictates the items of cloth the avatar is wearing, and the students dress it accordingly. (i.e. She is wearing a long pink dress.)
"During the rest of the year you can use avatars to:
• Create avatars of characters from books/stories the children are reading. You can then use these images for role plays / character profiles or to write another story.
• Create avatars of historical characters and retell history from these characters’ points of view.
• Students can use their avatars in a game or animation such as flash or scratch.
• If you print out the avatars and pin the joints to make it movable, they can be used as a puppet or they can be brought to life in a stop motion animation."
SourceSabrina's Weblog
Inputdate2018-08-17 16:08:13
Lastmodifieddate2018-08-20 03:58:20
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2018-08-20 02:15:01
Displaydate2018-08-20 00:00:00