View Content #25484
Contentid | 25484 |
Content Type | 1 |
Title | Research Summary: Top-Down or Bottom-Up for Listening Strategies? |
Body |
Anthony Schmidt summarizes a 2013 article by M. Yeldham and P. Gruba, "Toward an instructional approach to developing interactive second language listening." Schmidt provides the background on approaches to listening instruction, listing three general approaches:
• "strategy instruction, focusing on skills such as guessing meaning (cognitive), evaluation (metacognitive), and handling one’s anxiety (affective). Strategy instruction, while it may include some bottom-up strategies, typically favors top-down processes;
• "lower-level processing such as word recognition and mental model building;
• "interactive instruction combining the two."
Yeldham and Gruba's study explores the impact of a bottoms-up skills course through five case studies of students who attended. They conclude that bottoms-up study is "inadequate" for improving listening skills.
Read the full research summary at
Source | ELT Research Bites |
Inputdate | 2018-07-25 14:56:49 |
Lastmodifieddate | 2018-07-30 03:57:41 |
Expdate | Not set |
Publishdate | 2018-07-30 02:15:01 |
Displaydate | 2018-07-30 00:00:00 |
Active | 1 |
Emailed | 1 |
Isarchived | 0 |