View Content #25172
Contentid | 25172 |
Content Type | 1 |
Title | Professional Development: Putting the Arabic Standards Front and Center |
Body | From Putting the Arabic Standards Front and Center This is a blended program, two weeks online and 4 days face-to-face. Participants will be divided into groups based on the needs they identify in their applications and the level of their proficiency in standards-based and technology-enhanced instruction. Novice level participants will design or adapt learning plan(s) and deliver a model learning episode for volunteers (university students, LOTE student-teachers, graduate language instructors, and university staff). Specifically, they will a) specify the learning targets using can-do statements b) create a technology-based interpretive task with authentic materials using technology to make language, culture and/or content comprehensible to students, c) explore various programs that can be used to support interpersonal and presentational communication and d) participate in a practicum where they teach segments of a model lesson to volunteers. Intermediate level participants, will complete the tasks assigned to novices as well as the following tasks: a) edit authentic materials, b) create learning episodes/plans that include technology-based interpersonal activities that simulate real-world tasks; and c) technology-based presentational tasks that demonstrate culturally appropriate language use. All teachers will explore the use of platforms to facilitate professional development and language learning and create an online community to share materials and practices that foster continued interaction among participants. The online portion will take place July 6-19, 2018. For more information see this flyer online: |
Source | Occidental College World Language Project |
Inputdate | 2018-06-01 08:48:28 |
Lastmodifieddate | 2018-06-04 03:57:15 |
Expdate | 2018-07-26 00:00:00 |
Publishdate | 2018-06-04 02:15:01 |
Displaydate | 2018-06-04 00:00:00 |
Active | 1 |
Emailed | 1 |
Isarchived | 0 |