Body | Last week, Julie Sykes, CASLS Director, was invited to give a talk at the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL), a sister Language Resource Center at the University of Texas – Austin. Her talk was entitled Digital Tools, Digital Games, and Communication: Rethinking Foreign Language Learning in Terms of Human Interaction and focused on many of CASLS’ projects around technology and Interlanguage pragmatics. She also spent some time working with the COERLL team. Dr. Sykes notes, “It was a great chance to meet with a team doing amazing work around open educational resources. I am grateful for the invitation and enjoyed collaborating with Carl [Blyth, COERLL’s Director] and other members of the COERLL team. The graduate students I got to meet with at UT-Austin were also inspiring to talk with.” For more information on Julie’s talk and COERLL visit: