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TitleCANE Summer Institute


The Classical Association of New England Summer Institute brings together students, educators, and lifelong learners for an intensive week of lectures, mini-courses, reading groups, professional development workshops, and special events. Each institute considers the literature, history, and arts of the ancient Greeks and Romans — and how we engage with those cultures today.

The 2018 institute will take place July 9-14, 2018, at Brown University, with the theme “Empires Ancient and Modern: Reactions to Imperial Power from Athens to the Americas.” While exploring the practices and problems of ancient empires, the institute’s events and discussions will also consider modern and contemporary engagements – the use, misuse, and abuse – of Classical models of empire. A number of the institute’s mini-courses and lectures will look closely at imperialism in the Americas alongside ancient models, while others will explore topics as wide-ranging as the challenges of writing about empire, imperialism in the Ancient Near East, and Satan’s empire in Milton’s Paradise Lost. 

Registration is now open; the deadline to register is May 15. For full details and to register, go to

Inputdate2018-03-29 15:52:43
Lastmodifieddate2018-04-02 03:49:11
Expdate2018-07-14 00:00:00
Publishdate2018-04-02 02:15:02
Displaydate2018-04-02 00:00:00