View Content #2462

Content Type1
TitleNew Year's Activity
Editor's note: The following activity suggestions were recently posted on the
AATG listserv in response to a request from a teacher with a sore throat and
wanted to minimize her in-class speaking.


The students could write about what they did in the holidays and what
presents they received or gave. This could take 15 minutes! (Tell them they
can't ask you any vocabulary questions.) They could write lists of New Year's
resolutions. (5 minutes?) In groups they could all decide what they would
change in the world if they could, (more advanced groups) or change in the
school if they could.

They could describe a film they saw.

In groups they could make predictions about 2005.

Helinski, M. Re: [AATG-L] New Year Activity. American Association of
Teachers of German listserv. (1 Jan. 2005).
SourceAmerican Association of Teachers of German
Inputdate2005-01-03 14:02:00
Lastmodifieddate2005-01-03 14:02:00
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