The January 2018 issue of KinoKultura, an online journal dedicated to new Russian cinema, is now available. In this issue:
Yuri Leving: Kuleshov’s By the Law as a (possible) source for Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight. A Video Essay
Evgenii Margolit: The Metamorphosis of a Model: The Development of the Spy Film from the 1930s during the Early Thaw
Lilya Nemchenko: Short Films 2017: Homo Ludens, Memory, Oil and Milk
Anna Nieman: Interview with film editor Tat’iana Kuz’micheva
Rustem Abdrashev: The Kazakh Khanate. The Diamond Sword by Stephen Norris
Timur Birnazarov: Night Accident (KYR) by Gulbara Tolomushova
Ivan Bolotnikov: Kharms by James Norton
Pavel Chukhrai: Cold Tango by Sergei Dobrynin
Fedor Dmitriev, Vladimir Toropchin, Darina Shmidt: Urfin and His Wooden Soldiers (anim.) by Olga Blackledge
Vlad Furman: Guppy by Vincent Bohlinger
Rustam Khamdamov: The Bottomless Bag by Birgit Beumers
Sabit Kurmanbetov: The Returnee (KAZ) by Peter Rollberg
Yusup Razykov: Sella Turcica by Seth Graham
Aleksei Rybin: All Will End Soon by Laura Todd
Ivan Shakhnazarov: Rock by Rita Safariants
Klim Shipenko: Salyut-7 by Natalija Majsova
Valeriia Surkova: Pagans by Elise Thorsen
Valerii Todorovskii: The Bolshoi by Tim Harte
Nariman Turebaev: City Filth (KAZ) by Connor Doak
Kseniia Zueva: Nearest and Dearest by Otto Boele
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