Body | In this weeks Topic of the Week article, Linda Forrest discusses factors that promote success in dual language immersion programs and in immersion programs in general. This survey of the importance of some of these factors to individual students can guide them in reflecting on and better articulating their own reasons for learning a second or heritage language, possibly leading to increased motivation and stronger retention in language programs.
Objective: Students will be able to articulate their reasons for learning a second language that are most important to them.
Materials needed: Reasons to Study Another Language survey, My Language Learning Intentions worksheet
- Model the beginning of the reflective process by telling students some of the reasons you chose to study a second language. Write one or two key reasons on the board.
- Solicit 3-8 additional reasons from volunteers in the class.
- Distribute the Reasons to Study Another Language survey to students and have them complete it.
- Ask volunteers for any other reasons that they wrote at the bottom of the survey or have thought of.
- Distribute the My Language Learning Intentions worksheet and have students complete the first three sections.
- Put students into small groups and have them discuss their responses on the worksheet. Encourage students to add more reasons, barriers, and strategies that arise from the small-group discussion to their worksheet.
- Have students, on their own, complete the final question on the worksheet. There are several ways to use these final statements:
- If you wish to display or share students' statements, tell them of your intentions ahead of time. Students' statements could be written on cards to display in the classroom or on a school bulletin board.
- If students keep a language learning journal (one example is described here), they can include their statement near the front of it. If students use Linguafolio Online, they can include this statement in the Biography section of their Profile.
- You can have volunteers read their statements to the class and point out the diversity of reasons to learn another language.
- You can use this reflective activity and students' statements as a lead-in to more formal goal-setting with your students; here are some suggestions for formulating SMART(ER) goals: