View Content #24309

Content Type1
TitlePharos: Fighting Appropriations of Greco-Roman Culture by Hate Groups


Pharos is a platform where classical scholars, and the public more broadly, can learn about and respond to appropriations of Greco-Roman antiquity by hate groups online.

Pharos’ first purpose is to document appropriations of Greco-Roman culture by hate groups online. The civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome have always been attractive to European nationalist and racist movements, and in more recent years have been adopted by other so-called alt-right groups whose politics are aligned with older-style nationalism. Posts tagged “Documenting Appropriations” raise awareness of this phenomenon.

Pharos' second purpose is to expose the errors, omissions, and distortions that underpin these groups’ interpretations of ancient material. For each appropriation they document, they invite specialists to critique the version of antiquity that these groups construct to support their views. Pharos compiles these responses in posts tagged “Scholars Respond.”

Pharos' third purpose is to articulate a politically progressive approach to the study of Greco-Roman antiquity. Pharos’ longer articles, tagged “Response Essays,” suggest how the study of antiquity may serve an inclusive and progressive politics. These essays draw on the published work of the many scholars who have articulated politically progressive approaches to the field in specialized publications. 

Visit the Pharos website at

Inputdate2017-12-13 14:16:39
Lastmodifieddate2017-12-18 03:54:58
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2017-12-18 02:15:02
Displaydate2017-12-18 00:00:00