View Content #24072
Contentid | 24072 |
Content Type | 1 |
Title | Foreign Language Educators of New Jersey Webchat Series |
Body | From the FLTEACH listserv: As part of ongoing effort to provide professional learning to educators Each FLENJ Webchat is a 60-minute live conversation between two presenters The cost is $15 for FLENJ members and $25 for non-members. Recordings of *Our topics for 2017-2018:* Nov: The Newly Revised Can Do Statements To learn more and to register, please go to Nathan Lutz Lutz, N. [FLTEACH] FLENJ Web Chats. FLTEACH listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 30 Oct 2017). |
Source | FLTEACH |
Inputdate | 2017-11-03 12:35:39 |
Lastmodifieddate | 2017-11-06 03:59:28 |
Expdate | Not set |
Publishdate | 2017-11-06 02:15:01 |
Displaydate | 2017-11-06 00:00:00 |
Active | 1 |
Emailed | 1 |
Isarchived | 0 |