View Content #23967
Contentid | 23967 |
Content Type | 1 |
Title | October 2017 Issue of Reading in a Foreign Language |
Body | The October 2017 issue (Volume 29, Number 2) of the electronic journal Reading in a Foreign Language (RFL) is now online and can be read at This issue of RFL has four regular articles. In the first, Roghayeh Bahmani and Mohammad Taghi Farvardin report on their study of the effects of different text difficulty levels on foreign language reading anxiety and reading comprehension of elementary EFL learners. Next, Eric Hagley discusses the changes in the general reading habits of EFL university engineering students in Japan, their attitudes toward the assessment method and how their goals developed during an extensive reading program. In the third article, Trevor A. Holster, J. W. Lake and William R. Pellowe present the results of their investigation of EFL Japanese university students' perception of the difficulty of graded readers. Masaya Hosoda, in the fourth article, reports on her study of the relationship between EFL Japanese university readers’ memory for causal relations and their learning outcomes from an expository text. There are two book reviews in this issue. Eman Elturki reviews Making Connections Intro: Skills and Strategies for Academic Reading. This is followed by Cliff Kast’s review of Literature and Language Learning in the EFL Classroom. This issue concludes with the valuable October feature, Readings on L2 reading: Publications in other venues 2016-2017. This is edited by Shenika Harris, Carolina Bernales, David Balmaceda, Wei-Chieh Fang, Huan Liu, and Haley Dolosic. RFL is a scholarly, refereed journal published on the World Wide Web by the University of Hawai`i, with Richard R. Day and Cindy Brantmeier as the co-editors, Thom Hudson as associate editor, and Xiangying Jiang, West Virginia University, as the reviews editor. The journal is sponsored by the National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC), the University of Hawai‘i College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, and the University of Hawai‘i Department of Second Language Studies. The journal is a fully-refereed journal with an editorial board of scholars in the field of foreign and second language reading. There is no subscription fee to readers of the journal. It is published twice a year, in April and October. Detailed information about Reading in a Foreign Language can be found at |
Source | NFLRC |
Inputdate | 2017-10-20 11:46:17 |
Lastmodifieddate | 2017-10-23 04:01:23 |
Expdate | Not set |
Publishdate | 2017-10-23 02:15:01 |
Displaydate | 2017-10-23 00:00:00 |
Active | 1 |
Emailed | 1 |
Isarchived | 0 |