View Content #238
Contentid | 238 |
Content Type | 1 |
Title | Coalition of Essential Schools |
Body | From: "Anselmo Villanueva" Your CONNECTION to the Coalition of Essential Schools Network =========================================== CONTENTS OF THIS ISSUE 1. CES National Events and Announcements 2. CES National Early Bird Affiliation Winners 3. CES Regional Center Events =========================================== Here are some web addresses to access for information: 1. CES National EVENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS *** Fall Forum 2003: Making School a Place of Meaning Join us for the 17th Annual Fall Forum, November 13-15, in Columbus, Ohio. Every year, Fall Forum brings together over 2,000 educators, parents, students, and leading thinkers in education to exchange ideas, ask questions, and share insights from schools around the country. This year,we focus on creating schools that meet students' needs for meaning,purpose, and connection, so that students grapple with ideas that matter to them and have significance in the world. We are currently accepting proposals for sessions at Fall Forum. To find out more or to submit a proposal, please visit our Web site: Proposals are due June 27. _______________________________________________________________ The Bay Area Coalition for Equitable Schools (BayCES) invites you to BayCES University -- a professional development opportunity for educators, district personnel, school site leaders, teacher leaders, support providers, education reformers, external evaluators and other professional developers. Coaching for Educational Equity Institute July 21-25, 2003 Oakland, CA Schools as institutions are inherently inequitable. It takes will, skill and knowledge to transform schools into high achieving and equitable places of learning for every student and adult. The practice of coaching is one strategy for accelerating the pace of change in schools and maintaining a focus on continuous improvement and equitable results. Participants will learn the theory and principles of BayCES coaching, as well as the practices and strategies that coaches employ to accelerate change with individuals, teams and schools. Five-Day Professional Development Courses BayCES University is offering two weeks of five-day professional development, focusing on four of BayCES' key content areas: school design, data-based inquiry, instructional leadership and leading for equity (managing the emotional and social aspects of change and reform work). BayCES coaches, teachers from BayCES-affiliated small schools, and other professional developers in the Bay Area will facilitate courses. Week of July 28 - August 1, 2003 Oakland, CA Courses include: * Designing Equitable Small Schools * Creating an Equity-Centered Professional Learning Community * Leading for Educational Equity: Theory, Practice & Application * Understanding the Power of Small Schools * Reading Comprehension: Building Independent Engagement in Reading for Meaning * Understanding and Teaching Mathematics for All (Grades 3-5) * English Language Development Week of August 4th-August 8th Oakland, CA Courses include: * Learning to Do Inquiry for Equity * Beyond Heroes and Holidays: Building Cultural Competence to Support Student Learning * Large School Conversions: Designing High Achieving and Equitable Small Schools * Building Classroom Community: Essential Strategies for the Urban Classroom * Arts Learning and Equity * Understanding and Teaching Mathematics for All (Grades 5-8) * Secondary School Literacy: Issues and Practice * English Language Development For more information or to register, visit BayCES at: |
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Inputdate | 2003-06-19 12:09:00 |
Lastmodifieddate | 2003-06-19 12:09:00 |
Expdate | Not set |
Publishdate | Not set |
Displaydate | Not set |
Active | 1 |
Emailed | 1 |
Isarchived | 1 |