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TitleCongratulations LTS Graduates!

The Language Teaching Studies (LTS) Masters of Arts Program is a graduate degree program aimed at giving up-and-coming leaders in language teaching a theoretical and practical professional foundation in just 15-months. Previously the Language Teaching Specialization, this program is a part of the Linguistics department at the University of Oregon. CASLS works closely with the LTS program, as Dr. Julie Sykes, CASLS’ Director, serves as an LTS faculty member and leads a seminar on intercultural pragmatics. In addition, many LTS students and graduates have worked at CASLS as interns, graduate employees, and staff members.

We would like to congratulate and recognize this year’s graduates of the program. Students from the 2017 cohort defended their projects on August 9-14. Four of these graduates are students who have worked, or are working, for CASLS in various capacities: Becky Lawrence, Dan White, Iryna Zagoruyko, and Valeria Ochoa. These students’ contributions have been invaluable to our center.

Please join us in commending the entire 2017 cohort on completing their degree and in wishing them the best of luck in their future endeavors.

What follows is a list of all the students who defended on August 9-14, 2017, and the titles of their outstanding projects, in the order that they presented:

Iryna Zagoruyko - “Marching to Different Drummers: Teaching a Mixed Class of Heritage and Non-Heritage Learners of Russian with Motivation in Mind”

Dan White - “Deciphering the Cryptogram: A Word Puzzle Supplement to Traditional Lexicogrammatical Acquisition”

Jiyoon Lee - “Korean as a Second Language for English Speaking Husbands: a Multi-cultural Family Situation-based Curriculum”

SeungEun Kim - “Using Literature to Develop Critical Thinking and Reading Skills in an EFL Class at University”

George Minchillo - “Academic Writing Skills for International Students of Chemistry at a U.S. University”

Joliene Adams - “An Adaptive Place-Conscious Ichishkíin Materials Portfolio”

Heidi Shi - “Farewell to your ‘Inauthentic Chinese’: A Materials Portfolio for Improving CFL Learners’ Pragmatic Competence”

Lin Zhu - “Using TBLT to Address Locative Phrase Word Order Transfer Errors from English L1 to Chinese L2”

Juli Accurso - “Crafting a Brand in English for English Language Learning (ELL) College Athletes”

Chris Meierotto - “Using Podcasts to Teach Academic Listening for International Undergraduate Students through Metacognition: A Flipped Portfolio”

Reeya Zhao - “A Career Exploration Course in Mandarin Chinese for Young Learners in East Asia”

Becky Lawrence - “Creative Writing in the Digital Age: A Course Design for Intermediate ELLs Majoring in English at an American University”

Devon Hughes - “Women Teaching Women English: A Contemporary Women Writers Course for Female English Language and Literature Students in Egyptian Universities”

Yan Deng - “Using Graphic Novels and Children’s Literature Books in U.S. 2nd year CFL University Courses”

Valeria Ochoa - “Integrating Service Learning into University Level Spanish Heritage Language Classes in the United States”

SourceCASLS Spotlight
Inputdate2017-08-16 13:58:27
Lastmodifieddate2017-08-28 03:21:06
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2017-08-28 02:15:01
Displaydate2017-08-28 00:00:00