View Content #23583

Content Type4

Title: Icebreakers
Focus: Time on Task and Experiential Learning

Overview: Using gratitude as a frame, this activity aims to maximize student time on task by allowing students to choose between 3 experiential learning activities. Students are free to choose the activity that is most tuned to their interests and perceived learning needs. It also serves to illustrate for students how interpersonal communication is often mediated by material objects (like worksheets).

Learning Objectives:  

1. Students will be able to collect and record information about themselves and/or their classmates.
2. Students will be able to discuss their preferences and opinions with their peers.
3. Students will be able to explain the way the affordances (AKA worksheets) facilitated their interaction with each other.
4. Students will be able to describe how their choices shaped their experience.

Modes: Integrated Skills, Interpersonal Communication

Language Level: Novice-Mid and up

Materials Needed: Handouts - 
1. Gratitude Alphabet - Language Function: provide an account of your opinion or experience.
2. Passing Notes - Language Function: paying compliments and expressing thoughts and opinions.
3. Gratitude Survey - Language Function: requesting information.

Time: Activity 30 mins - Not including (optional) extensions.

1. Provide an overview of the topic and activity.
Instructor says: “The point of this activity is for you to choose among 3 options and execute the task that you think you will find most interesting and engaging. Each of the three tasks is designed to help you complete a task related to the topic of gratitude. It is important that you choose the one you’re most interested in working on, because true gratitude can’t be faked and it isn’t something we experience just going through the motions.”

2. Display (and explain) worksheet options.
Share each of the three activity stems (younger learners will need a more comprehensive explanation, older learners should be able to interpret the instructions without assistance).

3. Students choose a worksheet.
Allow students to choose one of the 3 material affordances (worksheets) to structure and guide their activity.

4. The idea is that this should be as enjoyable as possible. How can you get them own it?
Provide a reminder that students are invited to enjoy the experience and are encouraged to make the most out of this self-guided and self-selected activity. Do anything else that seems appropriate to get your students in the mindset to take ownership of the experience.

5. Execute the activity.
Allow students approximately 30 minutes to work through their chosen task. Notice the language related aspects of the activity students find easy as well as those they find difficult.

6. Discussion

    A. Today’s activity is called “Icebreakers." What do you think an icebreaker is? Teacher discuss with students if they know the term “icebreaker”. (Icebreakers are activities that people use to get people talking, usually in situations where they are interacting with people they’ve never met or don’t know very well.)

    B. How did these worksheets function as icebreakers?

   C. Clarify any issues students had with comprehension or output. Provide corrective feedback on any lexical and/or formal elements that caused them particular difficulty. Also, point out things you noticed that went well.

    D. How did the activity you choose shape your experience? Why did you choose the activity you did? Can you explain your thought process? Did the activity unfold the way you had expected? What is one interaction you would not have had if you (or somebody else) had chosen a different activity? Will your experience in the future be any different because we did this activity together today?

SourceCASLS Activity of the Week
Inputdate2017-08-05 13:57:16
Lastmodifieddate2017-08-07 03:55:08
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2017-08-07 02:15:01
Displaydate2017-08-07 00:00:00