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TitleCall for Papers: Second Language Acquisition and Generative Linguistics


Instructed Second Language Acquisition invites papers that seek to address the link between second language teaching and Generative Linguistics for a special, guest edited issue. 

Recent research on first language acquisition suggests that what has long been held as the dichotomy between input-driven vs. knowledge-based language acquisition is not necessary and they are not mutually exclusive (Yang 2010; Lidz and Gagliardi 2015, a.o.). While this line of research has been active for first language acquisition in the last decade, the same question still awaits to be addressed in the context of second language acquisition. Moreover, much of the generative view on second language acquisition still relies on strict segregation of acquired vs learned knowledge (Krashen 1982; Schwartz 1993). However, can we still maintain that types of knowledge are mutually exclusive? To approach this question, one has to consider the special status of input that second language learners are largely exposed to - classroom input. Natural input has a special place in the heart of many generativists. However, most research findings in generative second language acquisition are based on the performance of second language learners whose main source of input lies in the classroom. Classroom input may be characterized by the presence of focused attention, scaffolding and interaction, selective feedback, repeated practice and explicit teaching of grammar rules. Recent psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic experiments found that some of these teaching-related factors may shape an adult's brain and may create the conditions for novel implicit/proceduralized knowledge to occur (see special issue on Neurolinguistics and SLA, Second Language Research.) 

Therefore, while some core ideas of generative grammar cannot be reduced or minimized, the relationship between generative theory and second language teaching research needs to be revisited. While doing so, one also has to address if the current classroom input best represents the use of language that matches natural input, and further, to what extent classroom input provides a privileged environment for implicit learning and acquisition. Along these lines, the special issue aims to create a unique dialogue to open up a Pandora's Box of links between Generative Linguistics and the second language classroom. The current special invites manuscripts that address the above or related questions and that are either conceptually or empirically oriented. 

Deadline for abstracts: September 15, 2017

View the full call for papers at

Inputdate2017-07-23 08:59:17
Lastmodifieddate2017-07-24 03:46:27
Expdate2017-09-15 00:00:00
Publishdate2017-07-24 02:15:01
Displaydate2017-07-24 00:00:00