View Content #2347

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TitleActivities for teaching commands
Below are some abridged versions of command activities recently suggested
on the FLTEACH listserv.


List 10 chores around the house as given by a parent. The students put them
in the order that they should be done. Each command has some kind of clue
that tells you where it should go, using "before" or "after" etc.

Spivey, S. Re: looking for good activities to teach commands. Foreign
Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (2
Nov. 2004).


Assign groups of 4-5 students different life situations such as "How to be a
good student", "how to be a good son/daughter" etc. Each student comes up
with 2-3 commands on how to achieve the goal so that there are a total of 10
commands for each. Then they read their commands to the rest of the class,
who has to guess what is being described. When everyone has presented,
we hang up the signs around the room.

Moore, D. Re: looking for good activities to teach commands. Foreign
Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU
(22 Nov. 2004).


You can have students lead each other around the classroom using only oral
communication, possibly making an obstacle course. Or have students teach
each other (in small groups) how to do an activity, a game, or paper crafts).

Buxton, S. Re: looking for good activities to teach commands. Foreign
Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU 1
Nov. 2004).


Get permission from the school to make a map of the school for a scavenger
hunt. Groups of students (with hall passes) follow it to get or do certain things.
You can ask some teachers to participate during a planning or study period.

Jarrell, G. Re: looking for good activities to teach commands. Foreign
Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (1
Nov. 2004).


I tell my students to pretend that they are babysitting my 2-year-old. They
need to tell him to do at least 5 different things. They usually ask for some
vocabulary, but as long as they can put it in the command form, I'm more than
happy to give them suggestions.

Doerner, J. Re: looking for good activities to teach commands. Foreign
Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (1
Nov. 2004).


Use recipes from a magazine. Some use the infinitive, some use formal
commands, some use informal commands. Have students change the recipes
from one to another ("Imagine you're working for a magazine and your editor
wants to change the tone of the magazine, etc.) .

Tuttle, L. Re: looking for good activities to teach commands. Foreign
Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (3
Nov. 2004).
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