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Editor's note: A recent discussion on the FLTEACH listserv generated the
following suggestions for warm-ups.


This works with any level past the first month of school. Take words from a
sentence (in target language) and scramble them on an overhead and make
them re-order them. I give motivation like 20 points toward a homework grade
or test.

I sandwich green pickle eaten a olive have and
(I have eaten a green olive and pickle sandwich)

They have a lot of fun. I find that my students can do about 3 in 10 minutes. It
has to be perfect in order to get the points. They are quite comptetive too!

McDaniel, J. Re: warm-up activities, por favor. Foreign Language Teaching
Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (7 Nov. 2004).


I like to use either "around the world" or "the hot seat" becuase it really serves
to motivate the students. In around the world, the first student stands up next
to a second student and you give them a word. The first student who
translates the word correctly moves on to the second student and so on and
so forth. When you get a word wrong, you sit where you are, and the objective
is to make it all the way to the end of the classroom, ie. around the world.

For the hot seat, all students write a number of questions (3 or 4) and then
individual students volunteer to come to the front of the room and sit in the hot
seat, the seat where they answer questions. I give extra points for this. They
seem to like it.

O'Connor, T. Re: warm-up activities, por favor. Foreign Language Teaching
Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (7 Nov. 2004).
Inputdate2004-11-29 13:04:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-11-29 13:04:00
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