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TitleCall for Chapter Proposals

From the NYS TESOL listserv:
Call for Chapter Proposals
Co-Teaching for English Learners: Evidence-based Practices and Research-Informed Outcomes
Edited by:
Maria G. Dove, Molloy College
Andrea Honigsfeld, Molloy College
This edited volume will closely explore co-teaching and integrated service delivery for English learners (ELs) by (a) examining the collaborative instructional cycle—co-planning, co-instruction, co-assessment, and reflection practices— of co-taught programs for ELs, (b) presenting current, classroom-based, practitioner-oriented research related to all aspects of co-taught programs for ELs including curriculum mapping and alignment, co-development of instructional materials, building teaching partnerships, and other collaborative practices in the ESL/ELD context, (c) offering authentic, evidence-based instructional practices that yield positive results for ELs, and (d) presenting practical recommendations for making instructional and program design decisions based on student outcomes. This volume will be a valuable resource to assist both novice and experienced teachers in their endeavors to provide effective integrated, collaborative instruction for ELs in K-12 schools.
We have several invited chapters and now we are soliciting previously unpublished proposal submissions through this open invitation. We are looking for chapter proposal submissions that describe unpublished research studies or field-based, practitioner-oriented documentary accounts written in a reader-friendly, easily accessible way for teachers, administrators, and policy makers. Please carefully connect your findings to (a) strong theoretical frameworks, (b) existing research on ELs and co-teaching/collaboration, (c) ESL/ELD classroom practices, (d) ESL/ELD program design and implementation, and (e) EL student outcomes.
Target Audience:
The intended audience of the volume will be preservice and inservice ESL/ELD teachers, general education teachers, teacher educators, professional developers, ESL/ELD program directors, educational researchers, administrators, and policy makers.
Scholars and practitioners who are interested in contributing to this book are invited to submit a 500-word manuscript proposal in Microsoft Word by June 15, 2017. Include a minimum of five references to support your proposal but do not count them as part of the 500-word limit. The proposal should clearly describe the content of the proposed chapter by highlighting the research base, the local educational context, the actual findings, and the practical applications of the findings. For work in progress, please indicate anticipated outcomes or preliminary findings. To be aligned with the focus of the book, please incorporate implications for practice, authentic, concrete examples of co-teaching and other collaborative practices, and an account of the successful, documented outcomes.
Cover Page Information Needed:
· Name, title, current position
· Complete contact information (work mailing address, phone number and email address)
· A 3-4 sentence biographical blurb
· A one page list of key publications by each contributing author
· A working title for the proposal
Only submissions following these guidelines and including APA-style references may be considered. Chapter proposals will be assessed based on originality, topic suitability, research-base, innovativeness and reader-friendly (yet scholarly) writing style.
Invitations to submit a full, 3500-5000-word chapter (including references, tables and charts) will be sent out by June 30, 2017.
Send Proposal to:
Send Inquiries to: Andrea Honigsfeld at or Maria Dove at
NYS TESOL. NYS TESOL listserv (, 9 Jun 2017).

Inputdate2017-06-15 15:25:03
Lastmodifieddate2017-06-19 03:53:47
Expdate2017-06-30 00:00:00
Publishdate2017-06-19 02:15:01
Displaydate2017-06-19 00:00:00