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TitleSpecial Issue: Papers in Language Testing and Assessment

From the LTEST-L listserv:

We are very pleased to announce the publication of a special issue of Papers in Language Testing and Assessment: An international journal of the Association for Language Testing and Assessment of Australia and New Zealand. Guest-edited by Kathryn Hill, the focus of this special issue is teacher assessment literacy in second and foreign language education. The contents are listed below.

Volume 6, Issue 1, 2017 Special Issue: Teacher assessment literacy in second and foreign language education

• Introduction: Language teacher assessment literacy: Scoping the territory.
Kathryn Hill, La Trobe University/University of Melbourne
• Understanding classroom-based assessment practices: A precondition for teacher assessment literacy.
Kathryn Hill, La Trobe University/University of Melbourne
• Developing assessment literacy of teachers of languages: A conceptual and interpretive challenge.
Angela Scarino, University of South Australia
• Assessment literacy of foreign language teachers around Europe: Research, challenges and future prospects.
Dina Tsagari, University of Cyprus & Karin Vogt, University of Education Heidelberg
• Developing assessment literacy in Singapore: How teachers broaden English language learning by expanding assessment constructs.
Rajenthiran Sellan, Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board
• Language assessment literacy for language learning-oriented assessment.
Liz Hamp-Lyons, University of Bedfordshire
• Learning-oriented language test preparation materials: A contradiction in terms?
Anthony Green, University of Bedfordshire
• University English teacher assessment literacy: A survey-test report from China.
Yueting Xu, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies/The University of Hong Kong & Gavin T. L. Brown, The University of Auckland

Book reviews
• Assessing English proficiency for university study. J. Read. Reviewed by Naoki Ikeda, University of Melbourne
• Assessing English language learners: Theory and practice. G. Solano-Flores. Reviewed by Yangting Wang, University of Texas at San Antonio

PLTA is available exclusively online in open access format at ALTAANZ and the Language Testing Research Centre, University of Melbourne

Further information about the journal, editorial board and information for contributors can also be found via these links.

O’Hagan, S. [LTEST-L] Announcing PLTA Vol. 6.1 Special Issue: Teacher assessment literacy in second and foreign language education. LTEST-L listserv (LTEST-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU, 15 May 2017).

Inputdate2017-05-17 21:13:51
Lastmodifieddate2017-05-22 03:49:02
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2017-05-22 02:15:01
Displaydate2017-05-22 00:00:00