View Content #22935

Content Type1
TitleDictation: Yes or No?


Steve Smith writes, “Dictation can be described as a technique where pupils hear some spoken material, hold it in their memory for a short time, then write down what they heard.

“It is one of the ancient crafts of language teaching. L G Kelly, in his 1969 book 25 Centuries of Language Teaching traces it back to at least the early middle ages. …

“Some like it, some hate it. Some accuse it of being boring and uncommunicative, a relic of the past when grammar-translation ruled the world; others argue that it has a valuable place, reinforcing phonological memory, improving grammar, spelling and listening skills.”

Read the full post for an extensive list of pros and cons for dictations, a discussion of what it actually practices, and lots of suggestions for adaptations and modifications of this ancient language learning practice:

SourceLanguage Teacher Toolkit
Inputdate2017-03-29 16:52:05
Lastmodifieddate2017-04-03 03:53:37
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2017-04-03 02:15:01
Displaydate2017-04-03 00:00:00