View Content #22426

Content Type1
TitleBlog Post: Systems, Not Goals, in the New Year


Thomas Sauer writes, “Teaching is hard! Having goals, either given or identified by choice, can make it an almost impossible to enjoy our profession. Let’s take some of those ideas and apply them to traditional world language teacher goals in order to find solutions that might actually help you during 2017!”

For example, regarding using target language in the classroom, he suggests moving from a focus on 90% to focusing on systems that you can put into place to “1) provide comprehensible input that is directed toward communicative goals, 2) make meaning clear through body language, gestures, and visual support, 3) conduct comprehension checks to ensure understanding, 4) negotiate meaning with students and encourage negotiation among students, 5) encourage self-expression and spontaneous use of language; 6) teach students strategies for requesting clarification and assistance when faced with comprehension difficulties.”

Read the full blog post at

Sourcepath to proficiency
Inputdate2017-01-08 13:23:59
Lastmodifieddate2017-01-09 03:41:06
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2017-01-09 02:15:01
Displaydate2017-01-09 00:00:00