View Content #222

Content Type1
TitleTwo Spanish positions in No Calif
BodyFrom: "Carolyn Thiessen"

San Ramon Valley HS, in Danville, CA, is looking for two teachers
capable of teaching the advanced levels in Spanish, including the AP
program. There are three or four classes of Spanish 4 and 1 class of AP Spanish 5. The successful candidate would need to teach some lower
level classes also.

San Ramon Valley HS is located in a suburban area about 45 min east of
San Francisco, and 4 miles south of Walnut Creek. The climate is very
pleasant; winters are mild, summers are very warm and dry with cool
evenings. The school is one of the 50 top performing schools in the
state. The Spanish program is very strong with a 95% AP pass rate for
the past 10 years. French and German are also taught, as is Latin
through a local community college.

Qualified interested candidates may contact:

David Lorden, principal
San Ramon Valley HS
140 Love Lane,
Danville, CA, 94526

Carolyn Thiessen
SourceSan Ramon Valley HS, Danville, CA
Inputdate2003-06-13 11:09:00
Lastmodifieddate2003-06-13 11:09:00
ExpdateNot set
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