View Content #22177

Content Type5
TitleACTFL 2016 Success


ACTFL 2016 in Boston was a success with one of the highest turnouts in recent years. Celebrating 50 years the conference kicked off with an opening session on Friday, November 18, highlighting ACTFL's 50 year journey so far. The keynote speaker Mike Walsh spoke to the future of language education, highlighting the way technology has changed how we interact with the world. Katrina Griffin, from North County High School in Maryland, was awarded Teacher of the Year for 2017. Thank you for joining CASLS at ACTFL this year. We are looking forward to next year's conference in Nashville, TN. [Photos: Top, Stephanie Knight at the CASLS' booth and the Exhibition hall; Bottom, Renee Marshall and Ben Pearson at the CASLS booth and Dr. Julie Sykes hightlighting LRC resources during a presentation with our fellow LRC's]



SourceCASLS Spotlight
Inputdate2016-11-19 06:04:00
Lastmodifieddate2016-11-21 03:41:40
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2016-11-21 02:15:04
Displaydate2016-11-21 00:00:00