View Content #2192

Content Type1
TitleCall for Papers: NCOLTCL
The Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages
(NCOLCTL) is soliciting articles for publication. As the official journal of the
Council, the journal serves the professional interests of teachers, researchers,
and administrators of less commonly taught languages in all settings and all
levels of instruction. The Journal is refereed and published once a year.
Articles dealing with all aspects of less commonly taught languages are
welcome, with preference given to articles dealing with educational and
policy research, classroom innovation, and program development,
sustenance, and advocacy. While articles focusing on specific less commonly
taught languages are welcome, to be accepted the article must be framed
within the overall context of less commonly taught language education,
thereby insuring that all our readers are benefited, and honoring the founding
principle of the Council, "collective solutions to common problems."

In preparing the manuscript, please use the latest edition of the Publication
Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). Manuscripts should
be a maximum of 25 pages (excluding references, charts, notes, etc.) and
preferably submitted electronically via email attachment. Double-space the
manuscript throughout, including notes, references, and tables, using 12-
point font with a 1.5 inch left margin. The manuscript should be accompanied
by a 150 word (or less) abstract and a cover sheet containing the manuscript
title, name, address, office and home telephone numbers, fax number, email
address, and full names and institutions of each author. Because the
manuscript will be blind reviewed, identifying information should be on the
title page only, and not appear in the manuscript.

The submission deadline is November 30, 2004.

4231 Humanities Building
455 North Park Street
Madison, WI 53706
Ph. 608-265-7903
Fax. 608-265-7904

LCTL proj. coordinator. [LCTL-T] Call for papers - Journal of the NCOLCTL.
Less Commonly Taught Language Teachers listserv. LCTL-
T@LISTS.UMN.EDU (19 Oct. 2004).
Inputdate2004-10-22 13:38:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-10-22 13:38:00
Expdate2004-12-01 00:00:00
PublishdateNot set
DisplaydateNot set