Body | The Consortium of Useful Assessment in Language and Humanities Education (CUALHE) annual meeting and conference was held on Oct 7-8. 2016. CUALHE is a collaborative effort to share and enhance assessment practices, fostering a culture of reflective teaching. The goals of the annual meeting as stated on the website were as follows: (a) to provide a forum for those working on outcomes assessment (and related endeavors) to present and exchange ideas, and (b) to enable strategic planning of the Consortium organization and activities.
CASLS Director Dr. Julie Sykes presented as the keynote speaker on Proficiency and Pragmatics: Expanding Our Repertoire of Language Assessment, which focused on empirically based framework for assessing the pragmatic abilities of language learners as related to language proficiency through exploration of four dimensions critical to L2 pragmatic analysis and instruction – (1) knowledge, (2) analysis, (3) subjectivity, and (4) awareness. CASLS Research Director Dr. Linda Forrest and CASLS advisory board member and Professor of Spanish at the University of Oregon Dr. Robert Davis presented on Improving the Student Experience through Program-wide Assessment and Articulation.