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TitleCASLS Programmer Attends Apple WorldWide Developer Conference

Each year, the Apple Worldwide Develpers Conference (WWDC) brings together the developer community to learn about the future of Apple operating systems. CASLS Educational Software Programmer Carl Burnstein was fortunate enough to be selected as an attendees for this year’s conference in San Francisco.

“The guest speakers were inspirational,” says Carl. “Haben Girma, the first blind and deaf woman to graduate from Harvard law school, talked about how important accessibility is for everyone. Ajit Narayanan, another guest speaker, developed two language apps for autistic children using a visual language. Children drag and drop pictures, and the app puts together a sentence to help them communicate. The new version called Free Speech has multilingual capabilities.”

Carl also connected with colleagues across the country and learned about upcoming advancements in Apple technologies directly from Apple experts. Carl asked specific questions to Apple engineers during one-on-one appointments.

Carl is the lead developer behind CASLS’ educational technology tools that rely on iOS operating systems. He designed the popular LFO to Go app to accompany LinguaFolio Online so that students can capture their language use in real time using their mobile devices.

Special thanks to the University of Oregon Innovation Partnership Services for sponsoring Carl’s attendance at this year’s WWDC.

SourceCASLS Spotlight
Inputdate2016-06-23 21:06:11
Lastmodifieddate2016-06-27 03:35:44
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2016-06-27 02:15:01
Displaydate2016-06-27 00:00:00