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TitleCall for Papers: Special Issue of the Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education

From the LIM-A listserv:

As guest editors of a Special Issue of the Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education (JICB), we invite you to submit proposals on the following topic:

·   Teacher education and professional development for immersion and content-based instruction: Research on programs, practices, and teacher educators

The JICB is international and multidisciplinary in nature and welcomes submissions of the highest quality that report on empirical research and offer theoretical perspectives that can push the field forward. The aim of this Journal is to disseminate research on language immersion programs and other types of content-based language education programs that are subject matter-driven and subject matter-accountable such as Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) programs in Europe and elsewhere. The journal provides a forum for research on well-established immersion and content-based programs as well as research on new initiatives within the broad field of content-based language education/CLIL.

About this Special Issue:

Authors are invited to submit proposals focusing on teacher education (TE) and professional development (PD) for immersion and content-based language education/CLIL contexts at any educational level and in any content-based language educational setting that qualify as subject matter-driven and subject matter-accountable. Any manuscript submitted should be original and not have been previously published or currently be under review elsewhere.

This Special Issue endeavors to:

• disseminate research on TE and PD endeavors within the context of immersion and other content-based language education/CLIL programs that are subject matter-driven and subject matter-accountable;
• cover a wide range of topics within the context of teacher preparation in immersion and other content-based language education/CLIL programs, such as program effectiveness, TE/PD practices, and teacher educators’ experiences/knowledge/beliefs, only to name a few;
• disseminate information about TE and PD best practices within immersion/CBI/CLIL contexts;
• identify important implications for future research in the field linked to TE and PD in immersion/CBI/CLIL contexts;
• provide a forum for international exchange on TE and PD experimentation in a wide range of content-based educational settings.

Important deadlines:
Abstract submission deadline: October 1st, 2016

-    Proposal abstracts should be submitted by email attachment to the co-editors Laurent Cammarata ( and TJ Ó Ceallaigh (
-    Notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent by November 1, 2016.
-    Please be aware that selection of the proposal abstract does not guarantee publication, as full manuscripts will be subject to blind review.

What information should be included in the abstract proposal?
-    Name of Author(s), affiliation(s) and e-mail address(es).
-    Brief description of the content-based language education context being targeted, the study and its pertinence/relevance to the special issue theme.
-    Maximum of 350-400 words

Regarding the nature of the full paper if the abstract is accepted:
-    Deadline for submission of the full manuscript: March 1st, 2017
-    7,000 to 8,000 words inclusive of notes and references
-    Each article will receive three independent blind reviews.

Publication dates:
-    Manuscripts will undergo up to 2 review cycles, with final, revised manuscripts due in spring of 2018. The special issue will be published in fall 2018.

For further information on the journal’s submission guidelines please visit:

Best wishes,
Laurent Cammarata and TJ Ó Ceallaigh

Tedick, D. [LIM-A] call for papers - special issue on immersion and content-based ed teacher ed and professional development. LIM-A listserv (LIM-A@LISTS.UMN.EDU, 13 Jun 2016).

Inputdate2016-06-18 16:28:38
Lastmodifieddate2016-06-20 03:36:33
Expdate2016-10-01 00:00:00
Publishdate2016-06-20 02:15:02
Displaydate2016-06-20 00:00:00