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TitleSpecial Issue of Papers in Language Testing and Assessment

A special issue of Papers in Language Testing and Assessment: An international journal of the Association for Language Testing and Assessment of Australia and New Zealand is now available online. The focus of this special issue, guest edited by Cathie Elder, is Evaluating language assessment programs and systems in use. The contents are listed below.

Papers in Language Testing and Assessment (PLTA) is available exclusively online in open access format at ALTAANZ and the Language Testing Research Centre, University of Melbourne

In this issue:


  Evaluating the achievements and challenges in reforming a national language exam: The reform team’s perspective. Carol Spöttl, Benjamin Kremmel and Franz Holzknecht, University of Innsbruck & J. Charles Alderson, Lancaster University
  Defining assessment standards for a new national tertiary-level qualification. John Read, The University of Auckland
  Using evaluation to promote change in language teacher practice. Rosemary Erlam, The University of Auckland
  Maintaining the connection between test and context: A language test for university admission. John Pill, American University of Beirut
  An evaluation of an online rater training program for the speaking and writing sub-tests of the Aptis test. Ute Knoch, University of Melbourne, Judith Fairbairn, British Council & Annemiek Huisman, University of Melbourne
  Negotiating the boundary between achievement and proficiency: An evaluation of the exit standard of an academic English pathway program. Susy Macqueen, Australian National University, Sally O’Hagan, University of Melbourne & Brad Hughes, Insearch, University of Technology Sydney


  Talking about language assessment: The LAQ interviews. A. J. Kunnan, (Ed). Reviewed by Paul Gruba, University of Melbourne

Inputdate2016-06-03 19:12:08
Lastmodifieddate2016-06-06 03:38:00
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Publishdate2016-06-06 02:15:01
Displaydate2016-06-06 00:00:00