View Content #21265

Content Type4
TitleSustainability and Responsibility

By Renée Marshall, CASLS International Programs Specialist

This lesson was created for CASLS’ place-based summer program for Japanese college students. During the second week of the four week program, students discuss and do activities related to the topic of sustainability. In order to prepare them for these upcoming tasks this lesson was created to introduce key vocabulary and language structures as well as content.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

1.Use common vocabulary pertaining to the topic in conversation

2.Discuss their opinion on the topic and support their opinion with evidence

3.Politely disagree with someone on the topic

Materials: PowerPoint, Handout 1, Handout 2


Warm-up - 15-20 minutes

1.Handout sustainability sheet. Write the word sustainability on the board and ask them the Question in part I of the sheet: What do you think of when you hear the word sustainable? If students really have no idea, you may have to prompt them a little or give an example or two.

2.Play the video “Sustainability easily explained” After they have watched it once, then have them look at the questions in Part II (1-5). Then have them watch the video again while answering the questions.

3.Review the answers and clarify any confusions, maybe watching parts of the video again.

4.Answer students Part III question: What do YOU do to live a sustainable life? Review the example with them and have them do the same for themselves on the back page. Once students are done ask them to share with a partner and then ask a few students to share with the class. Maybe write what they say on the board.

Vocabulary – 40 minutes

5.(Slide 1) Using the PowerPoint, introduce the idea of sustainable cities. So, these are the things you all do in your lives to live a sustainable life. What can cities do? Some cities are more sustainable than others.

6.(Slides 2-10) Introduce the vocabulary word and the language phrases for sharing opinion by reviewing the slides. Add as much as you need to in order to make it engaging and understandable. Ask students questions and do some comprehension checks to keep students engaged and check their understanding.

7.(Slides 11-15) Have students select the appropriate answer by themselves or with a partner. Take a vote on which answer, ABC, and then reveal the answer. Clarify anything if needed.

8.(Slide 16) Have students use the sentence frames to create sentences that reflect their own opinion. Of course they can say other things than just what is listed there. Have them do this with a partner and then share some with the class.

9.(Slide 17) Have students take some time to gather their thoughts on the question. They can use the helpful opinion phrases handout to help them. Then discuss in groups. Then discuss as a class.

Discussion/Debate – 30 minutes

10.Have students read the paragraph in part IV. Have them discuss with their group what “moral responsibility” means to them.

11.Watch the video once, then have them look at the questions (1-2) and play the video again. You may want to stop it in certain places so they have time to write.

12.Review answers and clarify anything. Maybe re-watch parts of the video if needed. Make sure they understand the concept of question #2, that what is “moral” changes based on values which changes on situation. There are many sides to the argument.

13.Part VI: Tell the students we will have a debate about the question: Do we have a moral responsibility to protect the environment and why? To prepare the students need to come up with reasons to support both sides: Yes we do and No we don’t. Might want to give an example (from the video perhaps) to get them started.

14.After they brain storm, have students in groups discuss the question. They should not only just be sharing their opinion but also explaining why and giving their reasons.

SourceCASLS Activity of the Week
Inputdate2016-05-24 11:44:52
Lastmodifieddate2017-02-27 03:50:16
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2017-02-27 02:15:02
Displaydate2017-02-27 00:00:00