View Content #21197

Content Type5
TitleA Great CALICO 2016!

May 10-14 marked the annual CALICO (Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium) convention - Evolving Interactions in Digital Language Learning. Held in East Lansing, MI, highlights of the conference included:

  • an opening keynote address by Elliot Soloway about blended learning, specifically the BlendedLearningPlatform (BLP), a free, Google classroom friendly platform that supports teachers in creating lessons incorporating Open-Education Resources (OER).
  • booth space and presentations by CLEAR, CeLTA, LARC, and COERLL, CASLS sister LRCs.
  • insightful presentations and panels about new research and pedagogy, including Laura Villa's presentation on Latinos in the US: Promoting Interaction Among Heritage Language Learners Through Telecollaboration and Pia Sundquist's presntation on The Scale of Social Interaction in Digital Games Related to L2 English [picture below left].
  • helpful workshops such as Meaningful Play: Gamers as Teachers conducted by Johnathon Beals, Philip Cameron, Brenda Imber and Val Waldron [picture below right].

We look forward to next year’s conference in Flagstaff, AZ!

SourceCASLS Spotlight
Inputdate2016-05-13 11:55:17
Lastmodifieddate2016-05-16 03:33:21
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2016-05-16 02:15:01
Displaydate2016-05-16 00:00:00