View Content #2110

Content Type1
TitleJob Posting: English-Japanese translators
Canvas Dreams is seeking an English to Japanese translation team. Our
company has been working for a large and well-known electronics
corporation. Today, they asked if we could provide them with English to
Japanese translation services for a series of technical documents. Here are
the project parameters so far:

- Topic: "Data Sheets" or specifications for computer components (processors,
LCD screens, power supplies, serial ports, etc.)
- Original file format: Framemaker
- Deliverable file format: Framemaker
- Services: English to Japanese translation + editing (+ DTP)**
- Size: 6 documents times ~75 pages apiece: about 15 of those pages contain
mostly text, about 15 of those pages contain diagrams with lots of white space
and a little text (part codes), about 45 of those pages contain tables of

There are about 19,000 words per file, but keep in mind that many of those
"words" are really "untranslatable" part codes or numbers (numbered list,
ampere measurements).

Please submit your CV and rates for technical translation, technical editing,
and for DTP. It would also be helpful if you could provide a realistic (not rush)
idea of how much time you would need for each step: translation, editing, and

** Desktop publishing in Framemaker is a negotiable item if you do not have
this capability.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Virginia Anderson
Translator & Writer
Canvas Dreams
tel: +1.503.574.4277
fax: +1.503.214.5507

Anderson, V. Seeking EN>JP translation team. (30 Sep. 2004).
SourceCanvas Dreams
Inputdate2004-10-01 12:33:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-10-01 12:33:00
ExpdateNot set
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DisplaydateNot set