View Content #21005

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TitleIntroducing New Language: Note-Taking Puzzles


Rosalyn Rhodes writes, “My principal’s favorite phrase is, “The students should be doing the heavy lifting” but I hadn’t really bought into that until recently when I realized why I was getting so irritated. I was annoyed that they’re not engaging with my amazing visuals or target language notes. Why not? Because they aren’t actually DOING anything while they’re “taking notes”. Well, that’s not true. They’re writing down what I write, drawing what I draw, and some awesome eager language-learners are actually responding to my questions. Those learners are probably 4 out of the 32 kids in my room. The rest are mostly cooperating, but even on my best day, there are students completely zoned out. Now, before you sign off this blog saying ‘Wow, she’s a terrible teacher,’ let me share what I’ve done recently to adjust.”

Read on for a way to introduce new vocabulary that has students doing the “heavy lifting:

Sourcepath to proficiency
Inputdate2016-03-26 21:29:00
Lastmodifieddate2016-03-28 03:35:03
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2016-03-28 02:15:02
Displaydate2016-03-28 00:00:00