View Content #20879

Content Type5
TitleNew Additions to Place and Experience Based Database

The Center for Applied Second Language Studies (CASLS) has been developing a database for place and experienced based language learning projects called “pebll,” which will give language educators from various contexts easy access to high-quality projects across the world. Each project is geo-tagged and categorized by language, level, and content area, making it easy for people who visit the database to find what they are looking for. Over the past few months, CASLS has been adding new place and experience based projects to pebll, most of which are on a platform for creating and playing mobile games called ARIS, or Augmented Reality Interactive Storytelling. Some of the recent additions to pebll include a number of Japanese tours as well as various literature and film studies from Kazumi Hatasa, director of the Japanese School at Middlebury College. The most recent addition to “pebll” is ‘Analy Nyuwiich, an interactive story developed by Mojave educators and an elder as well as a team of game designers at the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL). The game is intended to be played as a supplement to learning about Mojave culture and language, focusing on the importance of the mesquite tree due to its versatility and usefulness. The lead developers of this project are John Reinhardt, Susan Penfield, Chris Holden, Natalie Diaz, and Kathy Castillo.

If you would like to learn more about these exciting projects, search for them on pebll by going to If you have a place and experience based project that you would like to include on the database, fill out the survey found by clicking on the link below:

SourceCASLS Spotlight
Inputdate2016-02-25 10:16:12
Lastmodifieddate2016-06-26 22:35:54
ExpdateNot set
PublishdateNot set
Displaydate2016-08-22 00:00:00