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TitleWorkshop: Products and Practices of Open L2 Literacy


Products and Practices of Open L2 Literacy
Friday, July 31, 2015 - 09:00 to 15:00
The University of Texas at Austin

Joanna Luks (Cornell University)
Chantelle Warner (University of Arizona)

The Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL) is pleased to offer a workshop on "Products and Practices of Open L2 Literacy: Materials and Methods from the Foreign Languages & the Literary in the Everyday (FLLITE) Project."

Are you a foreign language...
...Program Director who wants some new ideas for a teaching methods course?
...Curriculum Developer who wants to bridge “the language/literature divide”?
...Instructor who wants to create more innovative activities for the classroom?
...Graduate Student who wants to develop your teaching portfolio?

This workshop will demonstrate how collegiate foreign language programs can create up-to-date L2 literacy materials by adopting “open design” principles and practices. Workshop participants will learn how to design and produce Open Educational Resources (OER) that employ open technologies and open content. In brief, OER are educational materials made available through an open license that allows users to use, remix, improve and redistribute original content.

Participants will also learn the pedagogical principles of “The Literary in the Everyday,” a concept that integrates the goals of lower division courses focused on language with the goals of upper division courses focused on literary and cultural analysis.

Finally, the workshop will introduce participants to the FLLITE project website where users will be able to publish their own OER. Foreign language program directors are encouraged to attend with their colleagues and graduate students.

For full details about this workshop go to

Inputdate2015-06-19 17:07:17
Lastmodifieddate2015-06-22 03:23:19
Expdate2015-07-31 00:00:00
Publishdate2015-06-22 02:15:01
Displaydate2015-06-22 00:00:00