View Content #19271

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TitleAnchor Activities for Spanish Students

FLTEACH listserv user Susan Lynn writes:

"We are a one-to-one laptop school. I set up Anchor Activities this year as part of my Master¹s program in Differentiated Instruction. Here is the link to the Google Doc. My kids do a good job of staying on Spanish activities when I am good about enforcing it, but if I let them, they are off watching YouTube videos or playing games. Lots of these sites are also apps you can add to a smart phone, so even if you are not one-to-one, you might be able to use some of this.


Lynn, S. Re: [FLTEACH] Fast Finisher Ideas? FLTEACH listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 27 Mar 2015).

Inputdate2015-04-02 15:23:57
Lastmodifieddate2015-04-06 03:15:56
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2015-04-06 02:15:02
Displaydate2015-04-06 00:00:00