View Content #1925

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TitleIdeas for using only target language in class
In my perfect world, I would never speak a word of English during any class
period from the first day of German 1 to the last day of A.P. German 4. Being
the imperfect person that I am, however, I am in constant movement toward
that goal.

Last year I hit upon the alliterative phrase for a step in the desired direction:
"Deutsch am Donnerstag" (German on Thursday). The activity of that name
was that the students and I would speak nothing but German on Thursday -
from bell-to-bell. (We do usually switch to English in the last 3-5 minutes to
clear up misunderstandings, check for general comprehension, etc.) There
were often times when we had to schedule "Deutsch am Donnerstag" on a
different day - the kids cracked up when I assigned "Deutsch am Donnerstag"
on Wednesday! The idea and activity were a resounding success, and I
would like to share some thoughts and modifications for this year.

In German 1, by the second grading period, we were able to have a
successful "DamD" almost every week. Most kids loved it; there are always
some, as you know, who are very insecure. I usually try to have a couple of
topics if the current lesson does not lend itself to a very limited discussion.
We will continue "DamD" in German 1 this year.

In German 2, we were often able to discuss the regularly-scheduled lesson for
"DamD". If not, but always just in case, I had another topic ready. As soon as
this year's second-year students recover from the annual German 2 Shock
Fright Syndrome (they know they should know something, but they are afraid
they have forgotten it all!), we will be having "DDD" (Deutsch am Dienstag
und Donnerstag - German on Tuesday and Thursday).

In German 3, we spoke a great deal of the time in German anyway; we usually
used DamD as a way to discuss a specific topic (they were a great discussion
group with lots of ideas). Our goal for this year will be "3xDeutsch": German
bell-to-bell at least three days a week.

The goal in German 4 is to speak no English.

One of my favorite activities with my students is to talk with them, letting the
conversation lead where it may. This activity - DamD / DDD / 3xD - lets me
and the students do that regularly and in a rather organized manner.

By the way, I base most of my daily participation/oral practice grades on how
active the students are during each class period. If the student is listening, he
she automatically receives 2/5 daily points; speaking adds the other 3 points.
Each seating chart is in a plastic protector, and I use a dry erase marker to
keep track. On DamD, I use the same method of recording participation.

Scott, S. Use of FL in Classroom. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv.
Inputdate2004-08-13 10:09:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-08-13 10:09:00
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