View Content #19007

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TitleOpportunities, Resources, and News from the School of Russian and Asian Studies

Josh Wilson of SRAS recently posted on the SEELANGS listserv about different resources and opportunities from SRAS:

"Our listing of grants and additional funding for educators and programs is now fully updated -

"If anyone knows of additional sources, I’ll be very happy to hear of them and add links where we can.

"Also for educators - those of you interested in pursuing faculty development this summer should check out our Food and Festivals program – designed to your boost your programs with food, history, culture, and current events from Ukraine and Georgia.

"Also in SRAS news – our big back-to-school newsletter issue is out: This has free language lessons (on Russian apartments and dachas – with discussion of history, privatization, and current legislation), and lots of info on everything from Polish history to Turkmen geopolitics to Russian holidays, Koryo-Saram cooking, and Judaism in Central Asia. Much of it was written by our students! Anyone interested in the newsletter can sign up for free on our homepage – just click ‘subscribe’ in the middle-right of the page."

Wilson, J. [SEELANGS] Funding for Russian Educators / Programs. SEELANGS listserv (SEELANGS@LISTSERV.UA.EDU, 11 Feb 2015).

Inputdate2015-02-16 08:42:34
Lastmodifieddate2015-02-16 10:32:04
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2015-02-16 09:30:29
Displaydate2015-02-16 00:00:00