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Title'Turkey in Theory' Workshop


‘Turkey in Theory’ Workshop
University of Arizona
April 2-3, 2015
Deadline for submission: Feb 7, 2015

As stated in the resource:
"The new Arizona Center for Turkish Studies invites submissions from PhD students and postdocs for a workshop entitled 'Turkey in Theory' to take place at the University of Arizona on April 2-3, 2015. This ACTS workshop (with domestic US travel, lodging and meals provided) will bring together a small, invited interdisciplinary group of UA and outside scholars and writers at various stages of their careers, and a small number of UA and outside PhD students in humanities, humanities-oriented social science, and art and criticism who will be selected from those responding to this call. Note that this call is for advanced PhD students and postdocs who are not in tenure-track (or equivalent) positions."

"There is an increasing degree of mutual influence among humanities, interpretive social science disciplines, and literary and artistic worlds, and this workshop aims to explore and further these collaborations. A major aim of the workshop is to identify and elaborate emergent themes in scholarship related to Turkey and the Ottoman Empire, with a set of conversations and debates about what is on and over the horizon in Turkey- and Ottoman-related work."

"The disciplines are open, however PhD students should be ABD (candidates for PhD), have completed the research for the dissertation and now be in the process of writing their dissertation."

"Applicants should submit a paper abstract of 500 words."

Deadline for receipt of materials is February 7, 2015.

Submissions should be sent to:

For more information and a list of themes visit

SourceUniversity of Arizona
Inputdate2015-01-15 10:01:54
Lastmodifieddate2015-01-19 03:14:36
Expdate2015-04-04 00:00:00
Publishdate2015-01-19 02:15:01
Displaydate2015-01-19 00:00:00