View Content #1883

Content Type1
TitleMiddle East Technical University Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching

* Meeting Description:
The 2nd Middle East Technical University Postgraduate Conference in
Linguistics and Language Teaching (METU-PSTGRD) will be held on 24 & 25
September 2004 on the Middle East Technical University campus in Ankara/
Turkey with the aim of providing a friendly platform for the presentation of
completed and ongoing postgraduate research.

* Overview:
The first METU-PSTGRD conference was held in September 2003 with
valuabe participants from 5 countries and included papers focusing on a very
wide range of topic from multilingualism to critical discourse analysis.
Similarly, this year we have again very valuable young researchers dealing
with very interesting topics.

* List of Presenters: (available on site listed above)

* Program:
Please visit the conference website
( for a detailed program.

* Registration:
The registration fee for METU PSTGRD 2004 is fixed at 20.000.000TL
(approx. $14)and includes attendance to all sessions and coffee and
refreshments during breaks. The registration fee will be payable in cash at the
registration desk.
SourceLinguist List
Inputdate2004-08-05 09:08:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-08-05 09:08:00
ExpdateNot set
PublishdateNot set
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