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TitleCall for Papers: Under-resourced Languages, Collaborative Approaches and Linked Open Data

Final Call for Papers: LRE Journal Special Issue: "Under-resourced Languages, Collaborative Approaches and Linked Open Data: Resources, Methods and Applications"
*NEW SUBMISSION DATE*: December 15, 2014

Under-resourced languages are generally described as languages that suffer from a chronic lack of available resources, from human, financial, and time resources to linguistic ones (language data and language technology), and often also experience the fragmentation of efforts in resource development. This situation is exacerbated by the realization that as technology progresses and the demand for localized languages services over digital devices increases, the divide between adequately- and under-resourced languages keeps widening. Given that most of the world's almost 7000 languages are not adequately resourced, much work needs to be done in order to support their existence in the digital age.

This special issue arises from the imperative to maintain cultural and language diversity and from the basic right of all communities, languages, and cultures to be "first class citizens" in an age driven by information, knowledge and understanding. In this spirit, this special issue focuses on three strategic approaches to augment the development of resources for under-resourced languages to achieve a level potentially comparable to well-resourced, technologically advanced languages, viz. a) using the crowd and collaborative platforms; b) using technologies of interoperability with well-developed languages; and c) using Semantic Web technologies and, more specifically, Linked Data.

View the full call for submissions at

Soria, C. [ilat] Deadline extension - LRE Journal Special Issue: "Under-resourced Languages, Collaborative,Approaches and Linked Open Data: Resources, Methods and Applications". ILAT listserv (, 24 Nov 2014).

Inputdate2014-11-29 21:33:36
Lastmodifieddate2014-12-01 03:10:18
Expdate2014-12-15 00:00:00
Publishdate2014-12-01 02:15:01
Displaydate2014-12-01 00:00:00