View Content #1856

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TitleFrench Culture ideas
Editor's Note: Though originally directed at elementary French teachers, this
message could have a wider appeal.

For my units on Monet and Degas, I use the videos made for HBO. You can
find them at Teachers' Discovery. They're really very good and include the
interaction with the artist with a young person, and my elementary school
students can relate. Each lasts about 60 minutes or so. I have prints that I've
collected from years and years of calendars and set up 6 stations around my
room. The students take a "field trip" around the room, stopping at each
station. I chose six stations because that's how many tables of students I

To finish the unit, we have a Paideia seminar where I ask the questions but
don't enter the conversations. (Our school is a national Paideia
demonstration school.) A couple of questions about Monet that I remember I
have used are: How did Monet change from the beginning to the end of the
video? and If M. Monet were alive today, what would to like to ask him? and
Since M. Monet was so poor that he had to steal eggs to feed his family, why
didn't he just get a "regular" job? I just ordered an Impressionism activity
workbook that I have not yet pick up. I'm hoping to add a hands-on activity.

I found a marvelous interactive activity concerning Henri Matisse on the Net
last week. It looks great:

Kids love castles and knights and the like. I start with the Rick Steve's video
concerning the Loire, and then I use lots of videos I have taken myself,
including the chateau at Murol where the audience takes an active part in
wearing armor for example. I have an activity book that shows how to make
paper helmets and castles. I also have a step-by-step book that leads the
students to draw knights and damsels. I have an elementary version of the
Book of Hours from which I read a few months. Three years ago, the students
made a huge mural on a paper backdrop. They wrote script (in English with
some French interjected) of typical medieval people being interviewed by a
person from the 20th century. It was a riot!! My fifth graders loved it, and the
third and fourth graders couldn't wait to do it too since they had been looking
at the mural for a month.

I hope I've given you a couple of ideas. The interactive Matisse won't cost
you a penny, but your students must have access to computers; one computer
per kid. It might work with two students on a computer.

Moyer, C. (23 Jul. 2004). Elementary School Cultural Topics. Foreign
Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU
(29 Jul. 2004).
Inputdate2004-07-30 01:59:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-07-30 01:59:00
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