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TitleCall for Papers: Chinese Language Education Forum


The Chinese Language Education Forum (CLEF) is an annual event dedicated to bringing together PreK-16 teachers, scholars, educational administrators and other professionals in the field of Chinese language education worldwide to share best practices, new research findings and inspiring ideas.

CLEF 2015, co-hosted by the Chinese Language Education and Research Center (CLERC) and the Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS), will take place in San Francisco Bay on April 10-11. The conference theme is “World Readiness in PreK-16 Chinese Language Instruction”.

CLEF 2015 Call for Proposals is now open! The organizers welcome proposals for 30-minute sessions in the following topics and the topic of your choice.

 Planning and Instruction
• Strategies and ways to create learning-centered, flipped, or constructivist classroom
• Articulation of K-16 learning standards for the Chinese learners
• Chinese language instruction and Common Core State Standards
• Strategies that promote proficiency in three modes of communication
• Engaging classroom activities
• Use of the target language in Chinese classrooms
• Good habits of mind and learning autonomy
• Total immersion and other program models
• Challenges and solutions in teaching Chinese heritage students
• Instruction on cultural products, practices and perspectives
• Movie as a media for language and culture learning
• Evaluation and assessment

 Global Competence
• 21st century skills/world readiness
• International context and cross culture competence
• Partnership and international project/program for students or teachers
• Study abroad and international resources
• Program management, development and expansion
• Professional development and learning community

 Technology and Innovation
• Technology incorporation into Chinese teaching
• Best practice of blending or online teaching/learning
• Exploration of mobile learning (e.g. using social media)
• Free online resources
• Effective new teaching or course management technology tools

 Research and Findings
• Research on teaching Chinese as L2
• Research on learner’ motivation and psychology
• Research on learning styles and learner’s personality types
• Research on effective character, grammar, or phonetic instruction
• Latest research and findings

Please submit your proposal online by November 14, 2014.

View the full call for papers at

Inputdate2014-11-02 07:09:51
Lastmodifieddate2014-11-03 03:07:20
Expdate2014-11-14 00:00:00
Publishdate2014-11-03 02:15:01
Displaydate2014-11-03 00:00:00